Each conference room will be equipped with a standard computer and data projector. Powerpoint* presentations** should be uploaded (via USB stick/flash drive) into the computer before the start of each session.
Unless independent session organizers pre-agreed otherwise, each presenter will be given 15 minutes for presentation and an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers. It is the responsibility of the session chair(s) to adhere to this time allocation. Breaks between sessions are important networking opportunities.
In case the organizers decided to organize a session/presentations in another language than English, the presentations will need to be adapted into a bilingual form (original language as well as the English language) this is to facilitate participation and mutual understanding and discussion. In case you have difficulties with language translations and/or proofreading contact Jana Kropáčková (jana.kropackova@queergeography.cz) and she will help you with finding a colleague who may be able to help you. Our conference appreciates language diversity and we asked all participants in the registration forms to let us know their language skills and whether they would be willing to help. Our goal is to avoid “exclusionary sessions” where someone would not understand because of language skills in case you have these concerns please contact Jana Kropáčková and let her know.
*You may use other presentation formats, such as PDF or Prezi as well, you may, of course, decide to read your conference paper. In case you choose Prezi or another less-used alternative, please make sure you bring it as auto-launch version. We will not have the rights to install any software into our computers.
**Please be aware that virtual presentations (e.g. via Skype) are not possible.
Your presentation
- Presentation 15min
- Q&A 5min
- Presentation 15min
- Q&A 5min